Japan b 1978。遠藤励はスケーター・スノーボーダーとして雪山と自然豊かな安曇野に育った。90年代よりローカルシーンの開拓や世界各地の雪山とコミュニティを訪れ、ボードカルチャーの潮流を追い続け専門誌などで作品を発表。20年以上に渡るシーンでの活動と存在はスノーボード界において国内外で認知されている。 また、同じく90年代にカウンターカルチャーへ傾向していたことからレイヴやヒッピーカルチャー、サイケデリック体験に影響を受け、精神世界にものめり込んでいった。その後の多くの旅で得た体験や人の生き方、またカウンターカルチャーの延長線にあった自然回帰やパーマカルチャーなどの概念を自分なりに解釈し、「精神の自由」や「地球という大きな命の循環」へと表現テーマが広がってゆくこととなる。活動当初から写真に対するコンセプトを「inner focus」(内面の焦点)と定めており、現在も安曇野をベースにアート表現の探求や躍動するこの星の輝きと命との調和を求めて旅を重ねている。

Born in 1978, Endo found his beginnings as a skater and snowboarder in the winter mountains and abundant nature of Azumino, Japan. Since the 1990s, he has followed the trends of board culture, leading in the development of his local scene and visiting mountains and communities around the world. His works have been featured in snowboarding magazines and other publications. Over 20 years of activity in the snowboarding world have earned Endo recognition both in Japan and internationally. Attracted to the counterculture movement in the 1990s, he was influenced by the rave scene, hippy culture, and psychedelic experience to become fascinated by the spiritual world. Endo brings a unique interpretation to his experiences of his many travels and the way people live, as well as to concepts such as returning to nature and permaculture that are an extension of this counter culture. He has expanded his themes of expression to ‘freedom of the mind’ and the ‘great cycles of life on the earth.’ From the outset, Endo has defined the concept of his photographs as ‘inner focus,’ and continues his journeys in pursuit of artistic expression and harmony with the splendor and life of this dynamic planet, from his base in Azumino, Japan.



I was born in an age of material abundance and am the manifestation of a generation that lives freely.Based on the concept that “humans are part of the great life force,Earth,” my works gaze at this planet from a timeless perspective, and record through the fleeting experience of photography the changing global environment and that which is being lost; the resulting ethnic groups and communities of consciousness; and cultures and the relationships with the problems that arise within them, and search for deep psyche through the processes and archiving that accompany artistic creation. My interests span beyond the confined academic expression of intellectual contextualization, which feels somewhat dated in the current era, to include harmonization with fundamental instincts through the five senses - or even the sixth.